Tag Archives: World Blogger Award

Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award!


And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another —and all the more as you see the Day approaching. Hebrews 10:24-25

I am BEYOND delighted to report to you that my sweet sister in Christ, Miss Arlene, author of a wonderful blog titled “Armoured Up,” has nominated me for my very first blog award!  The nomination is in and of itself a tremendous honor.  However, it honors me and humbles me more to know that it came from my sweet Arlene.

Arlene and I have never met in person, we actually met via the WordPress community.  Regardless of me having not have ever been in her physical presence, I can tell you that she lives in my heart.  Arlene somehow stumbled across my blog a while ago and has been encouraging me and praying for me and the boys ever since.  Hence, the scripture reference above…

Arlene has been a vessel for the Lord in my life, and for me it re-solidifies how abundantly important the “BODY” of Christ is.  We truly need to be in constant fellowship with other believers and encourage one another as well.  Arlene is my sister.  And like I told her recently, I absolutely regale in the fact that we WILL spend eternity together!

And mind you, I believe the BEST gift that anyone can give is the gift of prayer.  It just so happens that Arlene is a bold, lioness of a prayer WARRIOR!  God has blessed me so much through her friendship.  I encourage you to check out her blog.  Further, I encourage you to drop her a line and get to know her.  She’s too precious to keep to myself!  You can find Arlene’s blog at:


Now to receive this award, you must do the following:

1) Reference the person who nominated you for the award.

2)Write seven facts about yourself.

3) Nominate 7 other ladies and pass along links to their blog.

7 Random Facts About Me:

1) My grandmother was the most Godly precious woman.  She was like a mother to me and I sometimes think she was an angel!

2) Since I was a child I have had a fixation with eating ice, particularly when I go to bed; my teeth have not suffered for it.

3) I hate doing laundry.  I don’t mind actually putting it in the washing machine, but putting it away overwhelms me (especially socks).

4) I thoroughly enjoy inserting Qtips into my ears!  I clean my ears out about 5 times a day and refer to the pleasure I experience as an “eargasm“.

5) I wanted to be a pilot since I was seven years old until I was called into teaching at the age of 28.

6) I drink Diet Cokes like I should drink water.  I’m addicted to them…which is kind of gross and unhealthy!

7) I have a hard time saying goodbye to anybody, good or bad, especially in my romantic relationships.  I can’t bear the thought of never seeing the person again.  But I do recognize that God puts people in our lives for seasons (sometimes).  I am really working on this.

And alas, the ladies blogs I am nominating for The Sisterhood of World Bloggers Award: 

1) birdmartin.wordpress.com

2) myjourneymyrules.wordpress.com

3) werclassly.wordpress.com

4) momandboy.wordpress.com

5) withoutababe.wordpress.com

6) mommasunshine.wordpress.com

7) sessica.com

I sincerely hope you have time to check out the blogs that are listed above!  We are a family here, after all!

All my love,
